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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Past events

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10 March 202517:00

CSI Monday Majlis: Sari Hanafi

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5 March 202516:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Laudan Nooshin

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3 March 202517:00

CSI Monday Majlis: Cyrus Zargar

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25 February 202517:00

Nisrin Elamin - Gulf Capital, Deficient Deserts and Empire-making in central Sudan

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24 February 202517:00

CSI Monday Majlis:Vernon Schubel

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19 February 202516:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Angela Puca

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17 February 202517:00

CSI Monday Majlis: Saadia Yacoob

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12 February 202516:00

CKS Film Screening :'Agneta, the Swedish Peshmerga'

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11 February 202517:00

ECPS Webinar : Starvation as a weapon of war in Palestine

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11 February 202517:00

Arang Keshavarzian - Making Space for the Gulf: Histories of Regionalism and the Middle East

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10 February 202517:00

CSI Monday Majlis : Tehseen Thaver

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5 February 202516:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Sarah El-Kazaz

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28 January 202517:00

Kali Rubaii - Toxic Hazards of War along the Chain of Supply

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27 January 202517:00

CSI Monday Majilis: Sufism in Europe: Islam, Esotericism, and the New Age

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22 January 202516:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Lewis Turner

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16 January 202517:00

POSTPONED ECPS - TALK -Online 'Ashlaa and the Genocide in Gaza'

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14 January 202517:00

Adam Hanieh - Crude Capitalism: Oil, Corporate Power, and the Making of the World Market

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9 December 202417:00


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6 December 202414:30

Using ChatGPT and AI Tools in Teaching Arabic

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3 December 202417:00

Fahad Bishara - The Voyage of The Crooked: Writing History Across the Gulf and Indian Ocean

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2 December 202417:00


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25 November 202417:00


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21 November 202416:15

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi - An Impossible Friendship: Group Portrait, Jerusalem Before and After 1948 (Columbia University Press 2024)

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20 November 202416:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Sami Hermez and Sireen Sawalha

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19 November 202417:00

Yuting Wang - Chinese Muslims in the UAE: Religion, Nationalism, and Transnational Identities

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18 November 202417:00


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18 November 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "From welfare to tenant state? State-tech relations in an age of AI" Prof Lina Dencik (Goldsmiths, University of London)

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12 November 202417:00

Mikiya Koyagi - Redirecting Movement in the Indo-Iranian Borderlands and Beyond

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11 November 202417:00


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7 November 202417:30

Palestinian Cultural and Tourism Actors : Nadine Aranki

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5 November 202417:00

Nora Jaber - Women, workers, and dis/empowerment in Saudi Arabia

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1 November 202417:00

Touching Freedom: Centre for Kurdish Studies Event - The Siege of Kobani

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28 October 202417:00


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23 October 202417:00

Film screening- Centre for Kurdish Studies - 'What the Mountain Remembers' and 'Cineholic'

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22 October 202417:00

Mandana Limbert - On Zakat, Prayer, and the Territorial State in Southern Arabia

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14 October 202417:00

CSI Monday Majlis: Women fighting the enemies of Muhammad and converting to Islam before their husbands: The Abbasid-era stories of Umm Faḍl and Umm Hakīm

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8 October 202417:00

Maia Holtermann Entwistle - Constructing Culture and Race in the Gulf

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7 October 202417:00

CSI Monday Majlis: On Animals, Stones, and Alphabets: The 14th-Century Egyptian Alchemist Aydamir al-Jildakī and His Natural Encyclopaedia

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9 September 20249:00

Exeter-Shanghai Forum

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1 - 3 July 2024TBC

ENSIE4 2024 Conference of European Network for the Study of Islam and Esotericism 1-3 July

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27 - 28 June 2024TBC

34th Exeter Gulf Conference

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12 June 202410:00

Healthscapes in Disruption

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3 June 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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3 - 4 June 2024TBC

Introduction to R-Studio

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27 May 202417:00

Monday Majlis: The Qurʾān and Its Masculine God: A Historical Feminist Analysis

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20 May 202417:00

Monday Majlis: The Definitive Zoroastrian Critique of Islam

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20 May 202416:00

Futures without Fossil Miltarism

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15 May 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis (This week it is on a Wednesday) : Zahra Ali Syed

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13 May 202416:00

Prof Sajjad Rizvi Inaugural Lecture - 'For the love of wisdom': Philosophy as a Way of Life in the World of Islam

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8 May 20249:30

The Elections Centre: Spotlight on the local elections 2024

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7 May 202410:30

Postgraduate Research IAIS Workshop

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6 May 202417:00

CSI Monday Majlis: Arabic Christian Notions of Human and Divine Free Will: In ʿAmmār al-Baṣrī’s Kitāb al-masāʾil wa-l-ajwiba

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29 April 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis: Text and Stone: A history of Christian Symbols in Mamluk Architecture in Cairo (1250-1517AD)

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22 - 23 April 2024TBC

Introduction to Python and Python for Data Analysis

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28 March 202415:30

Saud Alsanoussi - The Bamboo Stalk

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27 March 202416:00

William Gallois Inaugural Lecture

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20 March 202417:00

Dr Annika Schmeding - Sufi Civilities in Afghanistan – a Book Talk

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19 March 202417:00

Rafeef Ziadah (KCL), Gulf Logistics: The 'Logistics Revolution' & Economic Diversification in Regional Transformation

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18 March 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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13 March 202417:00

The Emerging Field of Kurdish Gender Studies

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11 March 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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6 March 202417:30

Kristen Kao - The Social Sources of Legal Pluralism

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6 March 202415:00

CSI Special Event

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5 March 202417:00

Nelida Fuccaro (NYU Abu Dhabi), Building Oil Knowledge in the Arab World: Humanising and Naturalising Oil Landscapes in Saudi Arabia and Iraq

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4 March 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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28 February 202417:30

Visiting Speaker CKS- Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women at the Limits of Representation in Contemporary Turkey

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26 February 202417:00

Monday Majlis: The Hoopoe on the Pulpit: Narrative Structure and Imagined Performance in ʿAṭṭār’s Manṭeq al-ṭayr

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21 February 202414:00

Wikipedia and Palestine-Israel Event

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20 February 202417:00

Munira Khayyat (NYU-Abu Dhabi), The Intimacy of Oil: Aramco, Arabia and Empire

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19 February 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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19 February 202417:00

'Kak Satar': a Militant Visual Archive of Kurdish Resistance

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19 February 202417:00

'Kak Satar': a Militant Visual Archive of Kurdish Resistance

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14 February 2024TBC

Visiting Speaker: Anny Gaul (Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies, University of Maryland)

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12 February 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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6 February 202417:00

Haya Al Noaimi (Northwestern Qatar), Narratives of Protection: Insights into Gendered Power Structures and Statecraft in Qatar and the UAE

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5 February 202417:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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31 January 202417:00

Kurdish Literature as World Literature

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29 January 202417:00

Monday Majalis: All under the Heavens… and the Heavens, Too: Universal History and Astrology in Mongol Iran

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24 January 202417:00

Archiving and Documenting Resistance: A Conversation with Dr Omar Sheikhmous

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24 January 202415:00

Exeter Q-Step Relaunch and Networking Event

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23 January 202417:00

Karine Walther (Georgetown Qatar), Americans' Technological Empire in Arabia

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22 January 202417:00

Monday Majlis: Sufi Movements and Contestable Periodization Schemes

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15 January 202417:00

CSI Monday Majlis

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14 December 20238:30

First Exeter-Shanghai Forum DAY 2

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13 December 202317:00

Evaluation of Quantitative XRF Analysis Applied to Determine Cobalt Sources in Chinese Blue‐and‐White Porcelain

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13 December 20238:30

First Exeter-Shanghai Forum

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11 December 202317:00

CSI Monday Majlis

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8 December 202313:00

Talk with Al Rowwad, Founder & Director, Abdelfattah Abusrour

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6 December 202318:45

Seventy-five years too long: today’s genocide in Palestine is the sole possible outcome of an expansionist state based on ethnic dispossession

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6 December 202317:30

EVENT POSTPONED - Palestine and the Militarisation of University Research

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6 December 202315:30

Challenging Legacies: The Kingdom of Iraq and Gertrude Bell

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5 December 202317:00

Maha Yassin (Climate Fellow, IRIS, American University of Sulimani), The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Activism in Iraq

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4 December 202317:00

CSI Monday Majlis

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29 November 202317:00

Film screening: 'Angels of Sinjar'

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29 November 202317:00

Madīnat Ilbīra as an example of work in progress. Household ceramics and residential areas in an early al-Andalus city

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29 November 202313:00

Utilising Textual Data in Crime Analysis: Insights from the Sex Market and Public Reactions to Crime on Twitter

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28 November 202317:00

Omar Sirri (SOAS), To Perform a Paradox: Checkpoints and Political Authority in Baghdad

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27 November 202317:00

CSI Monday Majlis

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23 November 202317:00

The Centre for Kurdish Studies

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22 November 20239:30

Collective punishment as a colonial technique: A Discussion between David Anderson and Laleh Khalili

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21 November 202317:00

Visiting Speaker - Noah Gardner, New Research on Aḥmad al-Būnī and the Rise of Sufi Lettrism

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20 November 202317:00

CSI Monday Majlis

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15 November 202317:30

Visiting Speaker - Yaara Lahav Gregory, author of Night Swimming in the Jordan

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14 November 202317:00

CANCELLED - Maia Holtermann Entwistle (QMUL) Constructing Culture: Art and Racial Capitalism in the Gulf

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13 November 202317:00

CSI Monday Majlis:

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8 November 202315:30

Darius Wainwright, University of Bristol

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8 November 202310:00

Maps in Stata

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30 October 202317:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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24 October 202317:00

Mohammed Al Sudairi (ANU, King Faisal Centre): Cold War Worldmaking Between East Asia and the Arab World

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18 October 202317:00

Local Ceramics from the Mediaeval Islamic Trade Centre of Harlaa, Ethiopia in a Regional Perspective: Contact and Influence

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17 October 202317:30

Protesting Jordan: Geographies of Power and Dissent

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16 October 202317:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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11 October 202317:30

Hafsa Kanjwal, Colonizing Kashmir: State-building Under Indian Occupation. Visiting Speaker Lecture

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9 October 202317:00

CSI Monday Majilis

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4 October 202316:00

Visiting Speaker lecture

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2 October 202317:00

Online Monday Majlis of the Centre for the Study of Islam

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27 September 202317:30

Kurdistan a year after Jina's Revolution

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26 - 27 July 20239:00

Environmental and Health Humanities in the MENA

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7 July 2023TBC

Global Synergies and the Palestine Question

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3 - 5 July 2023TBC

The BRISMES Annual Conference

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29 - 30 June 2023TBC

NCRM Mixed Methods Workshop

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24 - 25 June 2023TBC

Initial Consultation Workshop

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22 - 23 June 2023TBC

The Gulf Conference

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14 June 202317:30

Public Lecture: Karen Ruffle Al-Qasimi Professor of Islamic Studies

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12 June 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Nebil Husayn

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5 June 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis : Hassan Abbas

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29 May 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Helen Pfeifer

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24 May 202313:00

Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society under Authoritarianism

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22 May 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Steven Judd

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17 May 202317:30

Professor Paul Silverstein

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15 May 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Han Hsien Liew

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8 May 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Ayşe Baltacıoğlu-Brammer

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17 - 27 April 2023TBC

NCRM 2nd Annual Exeter Spring Computational Communication Science School

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4 - 5 April 2023TBC

Using Literature in TAFL & Designing Abridged Literary Materials

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27 March 2023TBC

CSI'S Monday Majlis:Hayrettin Yucesoy

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23 March 202317:30

Palestine in the Victorian Age: Colonial Encounters in the Holy Land

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20 March 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dunja Rašić

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13 March 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Elizabeth Urban

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10 March 202318:30

Kurdish Film Screening and Talk with Directors/ Centre for Kurdish Studies

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10 March 202313:30

“The Hazaras: an indigenous ethnic group in Afghanistan and their on-going persecution”

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8 March 202317:30

"About the New Woman": Women's Subjectivity and Schooling in 1920s Afghanistan

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6 March 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dwight Reynolds

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1 March 202317:30

Nezami Ganjavi's "The Seven Portraits"

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27 February 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Theodore Samuel Beers

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20 February 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Johannes Stephan

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13 February 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Beatrice Gruendler

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9 February 202317:30

Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies: Visiting Speaker: Zahra Khosroshahi

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8 February 202315:00

Palestinian Women and Health under Colonial Power

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8 February 202314:00

Institutional Ethnography: A Feminist Approach to Analysing Institutions Using Texts

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6 February 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Livnat Holtzman

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2 February 202317:30

Visiting Speaker: Professor llario Meandri and Dr Giulia Ferdeghini

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30 January 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Massimo Ramaioli

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25 January 202317:30

Against Excavation, Towards Dis/Location: On Queer Muslim Identity Politics

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23 January 202317:00

Accusations of Magic against the Religious ‘Others’ in the Late Antique Persianate World

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18 January 202317:30

Book Talk: 'The Bride: An Illustrated History of Palestine'

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16 January 202317:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Hugh Kennedy

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19 - 20 December 20228:00

Indian Ocean World Archaeology Conference (IOW-Arch)

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14 December 202215:00

CSI Research Seminar

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14 December 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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12 December 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Kamran Talattof

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8 December 202217:30

The Ethics of Weeping: The Case of Islam

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7 December 202212:30

Uncovering Kurdish Women’s Voices in the Archives : Dr Farangis Ghaderi

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5 December 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Martin Nixon

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28 November 202217:30

Before the first ball is kicked: Migrant workers and labor politics in the 2022 World Cup Games in Qatar

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28 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Michele Scotto Di Vettimo

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23 November 202217:30

Purging to Transform the Post-Colonial State: Evidence from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution

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22 November 202217:00

Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies: Visiting Speaker: Dr Mattin Biglari

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22 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Simge Andi & Travis Coan

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21 November 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Aurora Magliozzi

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17 November 202217:30

The Workers Cup

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17 November 202217:30

Medical Education and Healthcare in Palestine

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16 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Alexey Bessudnov

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16 November 202212:30

Wednesday CSI seminar : Mustafa Baig

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14 November 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Letizia Osti

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14 November 202216:00

Queer Immigrant Regeneration: A workshop by Dr Jad Jaber hosted by Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

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9 November 202217:30

The saffron rice and the Lapis-coloured dish: What does food tell us about art?

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9 November 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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7 November 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Nikola Pantic

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2 November 202214:30

Decolonising Quantitative Teaching

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31 October 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Alexandra Hoffmann

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26 October 202217:00

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lisa Roberts, launches the Arab World Documentation Unit in IAIS

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26 October 202217:00

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lisa Roberts, launches the Arab World Documentation Unit in IAIS

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24 October 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Isabel Toral and Jens Scheiner

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19 October 202217:30

Decolonising Islamic Studies

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17 October 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Rahim Gholami

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12 October 202217:30

Social Histories of Iran, Modernism and Marginality in the Middle East

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12 October 202212:30

Wednesday CSI seminar

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10 October 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Mehdy Shaddel

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5 October 202215:00

Wednesday CSI Seminar

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5 October 202213:00

Suffrage, Turnout and the Household: The Case of Early Women Voters in Sweden

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21 September 202218:00

On life and death in Palestine

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14 July 202216:15

Why Migration Museums? – A Public Roundtable Discussion - Join online

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28 - 29 June 2022TBC

32nd Exeter Gulf Conference - Programme now available

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27 June 2022TBC

Decolonising 'Middle East' Studies Conference - draft programme available

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13 June 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Nada Moumtaz (University of Toronto)

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9 June 202218:00

Global Conversations

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8 June 202215:00

CSI Wednesday Seminar

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6 June 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Sean Anthony (Ohio State University)

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1 June 202215:00

CSI Wednesday Seminar

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30 May 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Usaama Al-Azami (University of Oxford)

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30 May 202212:30

Seminar 'Young female miners in Tajikistani coal mines: Intersectional extractive violence and ecologies of exhaustion'

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26 May 202211:00

Global Conversations

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25 May 202215:00

CSI Wednesday Seminar

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23 May 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Konrad Hirschler (University of Hamburg)

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18 May 202215:00

Wednesday CSI Seminar

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16 May 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Anna Bigelow (Stanford University)

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11 May 202215:00

Wednesday CSI seminar

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10 May 202217:30

Inaugural Lecture for Professor Walid Saleh (Toronto) Visiting Al-Qasimi Professor in Islamic Studies

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9 May 202216:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professors Yasmin Amin and Nevin Reda (Cairo and Toronto)

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8 April 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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7 April 202213:30

NIHR FAN Webinar: What makes a good Research for Patient Benefit application?

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6 April 202216:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa: Roxani Eleni Margariti, PhD

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6 - 14 April 2022TBC

NCRM UoE Computational Communication Methods Spring School - APPLY NOW

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1 April 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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30 March 202213:30

CSI Research Afternoon

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29 March 202217:30

Visiting Speaker: Professor G. Rex Smith (University of Leeds)

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28 March 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Sohaira Siddiqui (Georgetown University Doha)

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28 March 202212:00

The United States and Palestinian Self-Determination from Wilson to Truman: A Reconsideration - Eleanor Gao and Josh Ruebner

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24 March 202217:30

Maqam for Arabic Studies launch event

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22 March 202217:30

Book Launch : "Ecological Solidarity and the Kurdish Freedom Movement: Thought, Practice, Challenges, and Opportunities", edited by Stephen Hunt, Lexington Books, 2021.

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21 March 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Junaid Quadri (University of Illinois at Chicago)

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18 March 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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17 March 202218:00

Global Conversations

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16 March 202216:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa: Alebachew Belay Birru, PhD

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16 March 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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14 March 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Drs Kenny Schmitt (Al-Quds Bard College) and Mohammad Ghosheh (Amman)

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14 March 202212:00

Decolonial Feminist Ecolgies: Local Roots, Global Shoots: Katie Natanel and Rami Rmeileh

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11 March 202213:00

'Group identities and strategic discrimination' presented by Dr Dominik Duell, University of Innsbruck

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9 March 202217:00

Youth Unemployment: The case of the GCC - Dr Majid Taghavi

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9 March 202214:00

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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7 March 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Drs Karen Bauer and Feras Hamza (Institute of Ismaili Studies, London)

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4 March 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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3 March 20229:00

'The 4D Project: a holistic response to climate misinformation' presented by John Cook, Monash University

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2 March 202216:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa: Gabriele Castiglia, PhD

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2 March 202213:00

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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28 February 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Siobhan Lambert-Hurley (University of Sheffield)

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28 February 202212:00

The Image of the Female Across Musical Cultures: A Study of Arabic Romantic Songs and their Translations: Istvan Kristo-Nagy and Majida Deeb Ibrahim

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24 February 202214:00

'Microtargeting: Reverse engineering of an ethical conundrum' presented by Prof Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol)

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21 February 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Samer El-Karashawy (Cairo)

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18 February 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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17 February 202218:00

Global Conversations

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16 February 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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14 February 202212:00

Creating the Female Matr rin Late Antiquity: Sajjad Rizvi and Alice Van Den Bosch

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11 February 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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9 February 202217:00

Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies: Visiting Speaker: Dr Shireen Walton (Goldsmiths London )

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9 February 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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7 February 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Richard McGregor (Vanderbilt University)

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4 February 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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3 February 202217:00

Dr Nazanin Shahrokni (LSE) presents her new book Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran.

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2 February 202214:00

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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31 January 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Christian Lange (Utrecht)

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26 January 202217:00

Dr Matthew Hedges: Reinventing the Sheikhdom. Clan, Power and Patronage in Mohammed bin Zayed's UAE

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26 January 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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24 January 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor David Vishanoff (University of Oklahoma)

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21 January 202216:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars: Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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20 January 202218:00

A conversation with Mustafa Barghouti and Ilan Pappé

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19 January 202216:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa: Mikael Muehlbauer, PhD

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19 January 202214:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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17 January 202216:30

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Michael Cooperson (UCLA)

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12 January 202212:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar:

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10 January 202217:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Miriam Künker (Münster Institute for Advanced Study)

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15 December 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa : Helina S.Woldekiros

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10 December 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: Conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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8 December 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa : Marie -Laure Derat

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8 December 202114:00

CSI Research Afternoon :Digital Islamic Studies: Projects and Prospects

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1 December 202117:30


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1 December 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa : Alfredo González-Ruibal

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1 December 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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29 November 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Nizamuddin Ahmed

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29 - 30 November 202112:00

Workshop: Medicine, Magic and Healing

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26 November 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: Conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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26 November 202112:00

IAIS PGR/Staff Research Seminars 2021: Imran Ahmed and Maziyar Ghiabi

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24 November 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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23 November 202111:00

South West Doctoral Training Programme (SWDTP): Using the Understanding Society study for longitudinal research

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23 November 20219:00

Exeter Q-Step/NCRM Introduction to Nvivo for Social Scientists

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22 November 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Mirjam Kunkler (Swedish Collegium)

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19 November 202112:30

IAIS PGR/Staff Research Seminars 2021: Ali Alsayegh and John Cooper

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17 November 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa : Said M-Shidad Hussein

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15 November 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Professor Peter Morey (Birmingham)

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12 November 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: Conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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11 November 202117:30

Lecture: Professor Yossef Rapoport (QMU),

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10 November 202117:00

Book Launch - Dr. Allan Hassaniyan (Exeter)

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10 November 202115:00

Lecture: “Islamic Ethics of Pandemics: From the Theological Discussions on Contagion to the Bioethical Deliberation on Vaccination”

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10 November 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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8 November 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Emily Selove (Exeter) and Professor Geert Jan Van Gelder (Oxford)

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5 November 202112:00

IAIS PGR/Staff Research Seminars 2021: Hassan Asiri and Christine Robins

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3 November 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa : Julien Loiseau

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3 November 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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1 November 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Bianka Speidl (Budapest)

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29 October 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: Conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualities

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27 October 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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25 October 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Arezou Azad (University of Oxford)

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25 - 29 October 20219:30

NCRM Research Methods Festival: 25-29 October 2021

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20 October 202116:00

Medieval Archaeology in the Horn of Africa: Alemseged Beldados

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20 October 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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18 October 202117:00

CSI'S Monday Majlis: Dr Nizamuddin Ahmed (Honorary Research Fellow)

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15 October 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualties

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15 October 202112:00

IAIS PGR/Staff Research Seminars 2021: Charlotte Littlewood and Rob Gleave

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14 October 202116:00

Routes Conversation: Is the asylum system fit for purpose for Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) claimants?

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13 October 202114:00

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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8 October 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Conversations: conversations in Postcolonial Islamic Spiritualties

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7 October 202117:00

Dr. Elham Fakhro "The Abraham Accords: One Year On"

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6 October 202117:30

Inaugural Lecture: Professor Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University)

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6 October 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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4 October 202117:00

CSI’S Monday Majlis : Professor Ahmed el-Shamsy (Chicago University)

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31 July 20219:00

Green(ing) mosques : Experiences and experiments from Southeast Asia and the UK

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12 July 202114:15

Narrating Relationships in Holy Lives

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7 July 202114:00

South West Doctoral Training Programme (SWDTP): Secondary analysis of cross-national, comparative survey data webinar

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30 June 202117:00

POSTPONED AUISxExeter Talks: Curating Kurdishness, Arts, Culture, and the Archive in Kurdistan and Beyond

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30 June 202115:30

CSI Research Afternoon

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30 June - 2 July 20219:30

ASYFAIR Virtual conference Adjudicating Refugee Claims in Practice: Advocacy and Experience at Asylum Court Appeals

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29 June 202114:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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28 June 202118:00

'Voices from Gaza'

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25 June 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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24 June 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Dard Neuman (UC Santa Cruz)

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23 June 202117:00

A Model Court For Migrant Children

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22 June 202115:00

Oral tradition, language, and Kurdish art

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21 June 202118:00

Shubbak Festival - 'Bringing Images Home'

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18 June 202115:00

Book Launch : Women's Voices from Kurdistan: A Selection of Kurdish Poetry

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16 June 202117:00

POSTPONED: AUISxExeter Talks: Curating Kurdishness, Arts, Culture, and the Archive in Kurdistan and Beyond

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16 June 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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15 June 202117:00

A talk By Dr Mohammed Hashim Ghosheh (recipient of the King Faisal Prize in 2020)

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14 June 202116:00

Conversations about Kurdistan and Palestine, Rurality, rural lives, and alternative futures

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14 June 202113:00

University of Exeter Workshop on Media and UK Elections

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11 June 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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10 June 202118:00

A conversation with Paul Gilroy and Ilan Pappé

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10 June 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Margrit Pernau (Max Planck, Berlin)

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9 June 202116:00

Routes Conversation Why should colonial histories be central to the study of migration and what does taking this seriously really mean? with Dr Lucy Mayblin and Dr Luke de Noronha

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8 June 202117:00

Kurdish Translations of World Literature

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8 June 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World Lecture Series: All the Pasha’s Boats: Nile Boats during Late Ottoman Egypt

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2 June 202117:00

AUISxExeter Talks: Curating Kurdishness, Arts, Culture, and the Archive in Kurdistan and Beyond

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2 June 202117:00

Wednesday CSI seminar

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2 June 202114:00

Women Candidates Use More Positive Language than Men Candidates in Political Campaigns

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1 June 202118:00

Understanding the Situation in Palestine: An Introduction' event by ECPS

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1 June 202111:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World Lecture Series: A Vietnamese anchorage for Indian Ocean merchants during the Maritime Silk Route period.

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28 May 202112:00

Postponed until 11th June: IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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27 May 202118:00

A conversation with Nadine El-Enany and Ilan Pappé

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27 May 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Akbar Hyder (Texas)

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26 May 202118:00

Exploring the New Regional Dynamics of the Middle East

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26 May 202117:00

CSI Evening Lecture

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26 May 202116:30

Palestine is a Feminist and a Decolonial Issue

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26 May 202114:00

Negativity in Politicians' Communication during Campaign and Regular Times

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25 May 202115:00

Kurdish Translations of World Literature

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25 May 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World Lecture Series: The Umm Lajj Ottoman merchant ship in context

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24 May 202116:00

Conversations about Kurdistan and Palestine, Rurality, rural lives, and alternative futures

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20 May 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Nur Sobers-Khan (MIT)

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19 May 202117:00

Arabic Text Seminar

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19 May 202114:00

A Cross-National Analysis of the Effect of Parties' Characteristics on Affective Polarization and Interpersonal Trust

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18 May 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World Lecture Series: Materials, techniques and technology of medieval watercraft of the western Indian Ocean.

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18 May 202113:00

CSI in association with the ECPS hosts: Dr Kenny Schmitt (Al-Quds Bard College) - Living Islam in Jerusalem Today: The Disruption of Religious Practice under Settler Colonialism

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13 May 202112:00

POSTPONED: IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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12 May 202118:00

A conversation with Yanis Varoufakis and Ilan Pappé: On crisis and disobedience

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12 May 202114:00

When (not) to trust the overlap in confidence intervals: A practical guide

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12 May 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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11 May 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World Lecture Series: Red Sea Arabia: Medieval coastal landscape and seascape in al-Maqdisῑ 10th-century geography

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6 May 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Sarah Waheed (Davidson College)

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5 May 202116:00

Routes Event: Precarious protection: Inside Europes Asylum Appeals with Dr Nick Gill

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5 May 202112:30

Arabic Text Seminar

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4 May 202111:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series: Aspects of design and function in traditional boats of Oman.

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29 April 202118:00

A conversation with Judith Butler and Ilan Pappe: On humanity, violence and imagination

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29 April 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Anand Vivek Taneja (Vanderbilt)

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29 April 202115:00

Panel Discussion: 'Translation and Language Revitalisation: Global Kurdish Literature'

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28 April 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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27 April 202111:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series:The Lambur Shipwreck: Archaeological excavation in Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi, Indonesia.

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26 April 202116:00

Conversations about Kurdistan and Palestine, Rurality, rural lives, and alternative futures

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23 April 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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22 April 202118:00

A conversation with Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé: On impasse, internationalism and radical change

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20 April 202114:00

Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Heritage, part 4

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15 April 202118:00

European Centre For Palestine Studies : Guest Lecture: Hana Sleiman

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9 April 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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8 April 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Najeeb Jan (Habib)

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8 - 9 April 2021TBC

The 3rd Biennial Arabic Language Teaching & Learning in the UK Higher Education Conference

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31 March 202117:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Dr Simon Wolfgang Fuchs (Freiburg)

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31 March 202116:00

POSTPONED: AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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25 March 202116:00

MOVED TO 31st MARCH: Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism:

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25 March 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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24 March 202114:00

CSI Research Afternoon

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23 March 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series: Vernacular fighting craft of the early modern Persian Gulf.

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17 March 202119:00

POSTPONED: AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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17 March 202116:00

Masters Courses at IAIS Exeter

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17 March 202112:30

Arabic Text Seminar

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16 March 202114:00

Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Heritage, part 3

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16 March 202111:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series: A Ship of Islam: Aspects of the Phanom-Surin Ship, Thailand.

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12 March 20219:00

Exeter - Tokyo University Joint workshop

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11 March 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Ali Altaf Mian (Florida)

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11 March 20219:00

Exeter - Tokyo University Joint workshop

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10 March 202116:00

AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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9 March 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series: Frame-first or shell-first?

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9 March 20219:00

Exeter - Tokyo University Joint workshop 9th 11th and 12th March

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3 March 202116:00

Routes event: U.S. Immigration Law - a brief overview of issues with Anthony Vale

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3 March 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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26 February 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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25 February 202118:00

Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Oral Heritage

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25 February 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Ilyse Morgenstein Furst (Vermont)

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24 February 202119:00

AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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24 February 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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23 February 202114:00

Watercraft of the Islamicate World lecture series: Approaching the shū'ī.

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17 February 202117:30

LGBT+ history month at IAIS - A talk by Dr. Mehrdad Ali Poor Kalaei

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17 February 202112:30

Arabic Text Seminar POSTPONED

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11 February 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Mana Kia (Columbia)

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10 February 202119:00

AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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10 February 202116:00

Routes event: Marriage, migration and Integration with Professor Katharine Charsley

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10 February 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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4 February 202118:00

Guest lecture in the European Centre for Palestine Studies

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3 February 202119:00

AUISxExeter Talk: Curating Kurdishness: Arts, culture, and the archive In Kurdistan and beyond

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3 February 202112:30

CSI Arabic Text Seminar

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29 January 202112:00

IAIS PGR Research Seminars 2021

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28 January 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Dr Farah Mihlar (Exeter):

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27 January 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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20 January 202112:30

CSI Arabic Text Seminar

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14 January 202116:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Dr. Samia Khatun (SOAS, London)

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13 January 202112:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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10 December 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Dr Layli Uddin (kings College, London)

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9 December 202015:00

African Archaeology and heritage, challenges, practice and prospects

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9 December 202012:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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2 December 202016:00

Routes Conversation: What Does Citizenship Mean Today? with Dr Ben Hudson (Lecturer in Law at the University of Exeter) and Daniel Mutanda (MPH Candidate at the University of Warwick)

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2 December 202015:00

CSI Research Afternoon : Islam In China

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1 December 202015:00

Museums, Islam, Archaeology and the Middle East

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26 November 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Ebrahim Moosa (Notre Dame)

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25 November 202012:30

Arabic text reading convened by Professor Robert Gleave

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18 November 202012:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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13 November 202012:30

ICE Development Fund Presentation: Christine Robins, ‘Fragile Faiths: Endangered Religious Cultures in Dialogue’

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12 November 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: professor SherAli Tareen (Franklin & Marshall)

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11 November 202015:30

Understanding the relationships between risk factors, intersectional identities and criminal career trajectories: A multilevel approach

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11 November 202012:30

Arabic text reading convened by Professor Robert Gleave

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4 November 202012:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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29 October 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Norman Baig

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22 October 202017:00

IAIS Alumni Autumn Speaker Series

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21 October 202012:30

Wednesday CSI lunchtime seminar

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15 October 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism: Professor Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Bowdoin College)

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14 October 202012:30

Arabic text reading convened by Professor Robert Gleave

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12 October 202017:00

Exeter-Tehran-Conversations in Philosophy: Sajjad Rizvi and Mohsen Feyzbakhsh (Tehran): What is Philosophy in Iran

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9 October 2020TBC

Exeter-Tehran-Conversations: Professor Muhammad Legenhausen (Imam Khomeini Institute on Ethics

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7 October 202012:30

Wednesday CSI Lunchtime Seminar

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5 October 202017:00

Exeter-Tehran-Conversations: Professor Zahra Moballegh (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies): on Feminist Philosophy

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3 October 2020TBC

Global Islamic Archaeology Showcase - online event

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1 October 202017:00

Exeter-Habib Seminars on Islam after Colonialism

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26 September 2020TBC

Global Islamic Archaeology Showcase - online event

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9 September 202015:00

Establishment Relations and Fatherhood Wage Premiums

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1 July 202013:00

Data Analysis and visualisation with Python

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24 June 202013:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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22 June 2020TBC

POSTPONED: 32nd Exeter Gulf Conference

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18 - 20 June 2020TBC

CANCELLED: 4th International Conference on Kurdish Studies 18-20 June 2020

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17 June 202016:00

What next after your Middle East, Islamic Studies and Arabic degree?

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12 June 202017:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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8 June 202017:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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3 June 202013:00

Longitudinal Data Analysis

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1 June 202017:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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27 May 202017:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversations II (#ExeterConvos)

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15 May 202013:00

An Introduction to Open-Source Intelligence and its practical applications - ONLINE Workshop

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12 May 202014:00

Bayesian analysis with JAGS/Topics in Bayesian analysis - ONLINE Workshop

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11 May 202014:00

Introduction to Bayesian analysis - ONLINE Workshop

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7 May 2020TBC

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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5 May 2020TBC

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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28 April 202016:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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27 April 202016:00

Exeter Institutagram Conversation (#ExeterConvos)

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18 March 202015:30

CANCELLED: Understanding the relationships between risk factors, intersectional identities and criminal career trajectories: A multilevel approach

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10 March 202014:00

CANCELLED - Hope and Despair: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Populists, Polarization and Mass Democratic Accountability in Challenging Times

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4 March 202013:00

Data Analysis with R for Social Scientists

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28 - 29 February 2020TBC

Research Workshop - Narratives on the Maliki legal school: inside and outside views (from the early period to the present)

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24 February 202017:30

Film Screening of “Naila and the Uprising”

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19 February 202017:00

Visiting speaker: Dr Maziyar Ghiabi - 'Drugs Politics: Managing Disorder in the Islamic Republic of Iran'

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12 February 202017:30

Visiting Speaker: Professor Peter Adamson - 'Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World'

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7 February 202016:30

Visiting Speaker: Dr Kamran Matin - Kurdish Politics of Class and Nation in Post-Revolutionary Iran

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7 February 202015:30

Geographical and Place-based dependence in multilevel models

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5 February 202013:00

Introduction to GIS

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30 January 20209:00

Analysing ambiguity: understanding and managing complexity in the professional environment

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29 January 202017:30

From the Maghrib to the Mashriq through al-Andalus and Norman Sicily. The sacrifice of she-camels among the Fatimids and Safavids

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22 January 202017:30

Visiting Speaker : Professor Margrit Pernau - Emotions and Modernity in Colonial India. From Balance to Fervor

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21 January 202017:30

Visiting speaker: Amr Taher Ahmed -The Kurdish Mahdinanah: Popular or Classical Poetry?

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15 January 202017:00

Visiting speaker: Daniel Meier - Bordering the Middle East? Some reflections on conceptual tools in border studies

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15 January 202013:00

Introduction to R for Social Scientists

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10 - 11 January 202016:00

IOW-ARCH Indian Ocean World Archaeology Conference

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10 January - 12 April 2020TBC

Exhibition: An Introduction to Chinese Ceramics in East Africa: Consumption, Display and Modification from the 8th century to Today

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17 - 18 December 2019TBC

Archaeological Perspectives on Conversion to Islam and Islamisation in Africa

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11 December 201914:45

CSI Research Afternoon: Lived Islam

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10 December 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Awet T. Araya - The Red Sea, East Africa, and the Gulf in The Islamic Period

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3 December 201912:30

Introduction to LaTex

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3 December 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Nur Efeoglu - The Representation of the Seljuk and Ottoman Past in British Museums

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22 November 201915:30

Data Analysis & Q-Step Alumni Careers Q&A Discussion

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21 November 201916:00

Professor Ali Ansari, University of St Andrews, presents: "Michael Axworthy, Nader Shah and the importance of 18th century Iranian history"

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20 November 201917:30

Dr Pernilla Myrne, Gothenburg University, presents: ‘What can manuscript evidence tell us about attitudes to sexuality in the pre and early modern Islamic world?’

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20 November 201910:30

Who do we think you are? Detecting salient identities in text

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8 November 201917:30

The Poetics of Kurdish Resistance

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8 November 201915:30

The case against perfection in the mean: Why it is time for an individualised approach to evidence for education

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6 November 201917:30

Professor Ipek Demir presents "Kurdish Transnational Indigeneity: how Kurdish roots are being articulated through transnational routes"

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6 November 201913:00

Data Analysis and visualisation with Python for Social Scientists

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6 November 201910:30

Worlds Colliding: Examining the social networks and linguistic patterns of a merging organization through email

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29 October 201913:00

When politics and diplomacy collide; the conflict spiral in the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

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24 October 201917:30

Dr Farah Aboubakr, University of Edinburgh presents "Speak Bird, Speak Memory: The Politics of Storytelling in Palestine"

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22 October 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Nick Tait - Local Ceramics from the Islamic Trade Centre of Harlaa, Eastern Ethiopia

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17 October 201916:00

Dr Abdulrahman Alebrahim "Kuwait's Politics before Independence: The Role of the Balancing Powers"

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16 October 201917:30

Dr Faiha Abdulhadi presents "Palestinian Women Rewriting History: The Political Participation of Palestinian Women since 1930s"

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16 October 201912:30

SWDTP Information Session

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16 October 2019TBC

Alternative Sources and Perspectives on Kuwait's History and Sociology

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15 October 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Hannah Parsons - The Commodification and Modification of Chinese Ceramics in East Africa (9th -17th Centuries):

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9 October 201917:30

Sabiha Allouche : How to talk about drones: a view from Gaza

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8 October 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Alessandro Ghidoni - The Ship Timbers from the Islamic Site of Al-Balid

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2 October 201917:30

AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain

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2 October 201913:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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27 September 201910:00

Translation! Festival 2019: Languages in Motion

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24 September - 24 October 201911:30

Centre for Islamic Archaeology seminar: Nathan Anderson - Excavations in Boeni Bay

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19 September - 20 December 2019TBC

From Damascus to Andalucia

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9 - 13 September 201911:30

Q-estival 2019: People, Data and Society

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25 July 201913:00

Understanding women's mental health across the lifecourse

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11 - 12 July 2019TBC

Professor Rob Gleave (Exeter) and Dr Shuruq Naguib (Lancaster) present "Menstruation and Menopause in Islamic Legal Cultures"

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1 - 2 July 2019TBC

31st Exeter Gulf Conference: Zones of Theory in the Study of Yemen

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8 - 9 June 201912:00

Exeter Respect Festival 2019

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13 May 201916:30

Professor Richard Foltz (Concordia University) presents "What is the meaning of 'Tajik'?"

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9 May - 3 September 201918:00

The Painters of the City: North Africa 1880-1920

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29 March 201916:00

Caroline Ayoub and Iyad Kallas: ‘Arts and cultures of resistance and resilience: Radio SouriaLi amidst the Syrian conflict’

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27 March 201917:15

Dr Ebtihal Mahadeen (University of Edinburgh) presents the talk "Media, Militarism, and Culture: Interrogating Jordan’s Gendered War on Terror"

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22 March 201910:00

UNHCR Careers talk

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20 - 21 March 201917:15

Professor Christian Sahner (University of Oxford) presents the talk "Christian Martyrs under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World"

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20 March 201913:30

Longitudinal Data Analysis for Social Scientists

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19 March 201914:00

Dr Imam Mamadou Bocoum and Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg on "Finding the Hope"

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18 March 20199:00

Making Sense of the Qur’an in Translation

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14 March 201917:30

Dr Attiya Ahmad (Columbian College of Arts and Sciences) presents the talk "Housetalk and Everyday Conversions: South Asian Migrant Domestic Workers' Newfound Islamic Pieties in Kuwait"

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14 March 201913:00

"Nazira Zeineddine: A Pioneer of Islamic Feminism": A Masterclass with the book's author miriam cooke

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14 March 201912:00

Are you listening? Crisis Negotiation Skills with Deborah Goodwin OBE

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13 March 201915:30

Seminar Series - “Can genetics tell us anything about voting patterns, including Brexit?”

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8 March 201917:30

Women in Leadership: Balance for Better

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6 - 7 March 201917:15

Professor Adam Sabra (University of California at Santa Barbara) presents the talk "Household and State in Ottoman Egypt: The Case of al-Sāda al-Bakrīy"

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5 March 201918:30

Dr Neil Faulkner presents "Lawrence of Arabia, Islamophobia and the War on Terror"

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5 March 201913:00

Gender, Sexual Orientation and Stereotypes: Challenges for Lesbian and Gay Candidates

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28 February 201912:30

SSIS Careers: Working in Public Relations / Communications

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27 February 201917:15

Professor Miriam Cooke (Duke University & Honorary Research Fellow, Exeter) presents "Dancing in Damascus: Creativity, Resilience and the Syrian Revolution"

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27 February 201915:30

Seminar Series - “Measuring global gender inequality indicators using large-scale online advertising data”

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26 - 27 February 20199:00

Managing Intra-State Territorial Contestation: Iraq’s Disputed Territories in Comparative Perspective

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20 February 201917:15

Professor Jaakko Hameen-Anttila (Edinburgh University) presents the talk "From Middle Persian to Arabic, from Arabic to Persian: notes on first-millennium translations"

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13 February 201917:15

Professor Jordi Tejel, (Institut d'Histoire, Universite de Neuchatel) presents the talk "States of Rumours: Information Orders in the Turkish-Syrian Borderland, 1929-1945"

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13 February 201915:30

Seminar Series - 'Religious decline in the West: Unravelling age, period and cohort effects'

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12 February 201917:30

Professor Aaron Hughes (University of Rochester, NY) presents the talk "The Shi'a are the Jews of our Umma: Rethinking Alterity in Medieval Islam"

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6 February 201917:15

Dr Nora Parr (SOAS, London) presents "How do you say 'trauma' in Arabic? When critical terms cross uneven contexts"

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6 February 201913:00

Introduction to Discourse Network Analysis (DNA)

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5 February 201911:30

SSIS Careers: Life as a commercial lawyer in a regional law firm

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1 February 201912:30

SSIS Careers: Journalism Workshop: Getting a story on air with Simon Vigar (5 News)

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31 January 201918:30

Social Sciences Careers Speed Networking

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30 January 201911:30

Dr Rana Jawad (University of Bath) presents "Critical Policy Analysis and Social Protection in the Global South: A view from the MENA Region"

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24 January 201917:30

Miko Peled, renowned author and human rights activist, presents "Justice, Freedom and Equality, the Keys for Peace in Palestine"

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23 January 201917:15

Dr Estella Carpi (University College London) presents "From Livelihoods to Leisure: Upending Refugee Self-Reliance and Urban Humanitarianism in Lebanon"

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23 January 201913:00

Network Analysis for Social Scientists

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17 January 201914:00

IAIS Gulf Seminar: Short films from the Gulf: screenings with Sheyma Buali

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16 January 201917:30

Professor Bruce Lawrence (Duke University & al-Qasimi Visiting Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Exeter) presents "Is There a Discernible Islamic(ate) Civilization?"

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15 January 201915:00

40 years on, what should we think about the Revolution of 1979 in Iran? With Some Thoughts on Implications in the Present

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9 January 201913:00

Introduction to R for Social Scientists

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12 December 201817:15

Professor Neha Vora (Lafayette College) presents "American Universities, Liberalism and Transnational Qatar"

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6 December 201817:15

Dr Carlos Cabrera-Tejedor (Oxford University) presents "The Seville Islamic Harbor"

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5 December 201814:00

Sentiment Analysis/Career as a Data Scientist

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4 December 201815:30

Seminar Series - 'From riot police to tweets: How world leaders use social media during contentious politics'

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28 November 201817:15

Professor Rasheed El-Enany (Emeritus Professor, University of Exeter) presents "Representations of Death in Naguib Mahfouz"

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21 November 201817:15

Dr Katherine E Brown (University of Birmingham) presents "Gender and the Apocalypse in Daesh"

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16 November 201817:30

"Women's Voices in Kurdish Poetry" by Exeter Kurdish Translation Initiative

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14 - 15 November 201817:15

Professor Ozan Karaman (CNRS, Paris) presents "Urban redevelopment in Istanbul: contestations and negotiations"

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14 November 201815:30

Seminar Series - 'Connected networks, wellbeing and the power of representation: Qualitative and quantitative evidence from Facebook and social network data'

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7 November 201817:15

Professor Nadje Al-Ali (SOAS) presents "'Between the Rainbow and the ISIS Flag': Feminist Dilemmas and Complexities"

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7 November 201813:00

Data Analysis with Python for Social Scientists

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24 October 201817:15

Dr Samer Dajani (The Muslim College, London) presents "Ibn 'Arabi and Islamic Reform in the 18th and 19th Centuries"

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23 October 201818:30

Magic for Smiles : "Magic : An Illustrated Talk with Demonstrations"

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17 October 201817:15

Dr Edwige Fortier (Gates Foundation, London) presents "Transition and Marginalization: Locating Spaces for Discursive Contestation in Post-Revolution Tunisia"

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15 October 201811:00

The Tyranny of Distance: Assessing and Explaining the Apparent Decline in U.S. Military Performance

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11 October - 12 December 2018TBC

"Sewn Boats: People, Technologies and Materials of the Indian Ocean"

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10 October 201817:15

Professor Ali Mian (Seattle University) presents "Beyond Minority/Majority: Theorizing Islam in South Asia"

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10 October 201813:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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9 October 201818:30

Speed Networking for Careers with Arabic and Islamic Studies

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3 October 201817:15

Dr Sejad Mekic (Visiting Fellow, University of Exeter) presents "Husein Dozo: A Bosnian Mufti"

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17 - 18 September 20189:00

Iranian-Kurdish Cultural Production: Past, Present and Future

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23 August 201813:00

Picturing Everyday Life In Palestine

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16 July - 26 September 2018TBC

Masked Faces: Untold Stories from the Arabian-Persian Gulf

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16 July - 26 September 2018TBC

Masked Faces: Untold Stories from the Arabian-Persian Gulf

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5 July 201817:30

Exhibition launch: Masked Faces: Untold Stories from the Arabian-Persian Gulf

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2 - 3 July 2018TBC

30th Exeter Gulf Conference

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30 June 201812:00

Exeter Respect Festival

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11 May 201817:30

Gender Studies Takeover Night- a pop up exhibition

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12 April 201817:30

Graceful Runes, art exhibition by Dahlia Mahmoud

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9 - 11 April 2018TBC

British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS) Conference 2018

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23 March 201817:00

Film Screening of 'Vereroz' and Q&A with film director Piran Baydemir

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23 March 201813:00

Centre for the Study of Islam Research Seminar "Centre and Periphery in Muslim Minority Studies"

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21 March 201818:00

Visiting Speakers from MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development)

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19 March 201816:30

Visiting Speaker: Dr Francois Burgat

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28 February 201817:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Haila Manteghi - The Alexander Romance in Persian History and Literature

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21 February 201817:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Akanksha Mehta - Negotiating Space on the Right: Everyday Politics of Israeli Zionist Settler Women in the Southern West Bank

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15 February 201817:30

Visiting Speaker: Dr As'ad Ghanem - The Plight of the Palestinian Minority in Israel

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14 February 201817:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Claire Beaugrand - Biduns:Stateless in the Gulf: Migration, Nationality and Society in Kuwait

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7 February 201817:15

The Alid Imams as Authors (Dr Teresa Bernheimer)

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31 January 201817:15

The Challenge of Translating the Quran in Plain English (Dr Musharraf Hussain OBE)

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27 January 20189:45

Migration: Displacement and Development in the MENA region

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24 January 201817:15

“Language has always been the companion of Empire”: The Politics of Turkic and Persian in Safavid Iran (Dr Ferenc Csirkes)

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19 January 201813:30

Journalism Workshop: Getting a story on air with Simon Vigar (5 News)

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18 January 201817:30

Exhibition launch -Remembering the Dead in Bahraini Shia Cemeteries

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17 January 201817:15

The Ash'ari creed in Southeast Asia across the Centuries

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5 December 201717:30

Lecture - “The Route to China: A Seaborne Exploration in Medieval Islam” Professor Dionisius Agius FBA

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5 December 201717:30

"The Route to China: A Seaborne Exploration in Medieval Islam"

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30 November 201717:15

Visiting speaker: Shir Hever

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29 November 201717:15

Visiting speaker: Alexandra Hyde

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21 November 201717:15

Visiting speaker: Saeed ZarrabiI-Zadeh

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8 November 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Elias Nasrallah, Author

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1 November 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Yafa Shanneik, University of Birmingham

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28 October 201710:00

"The University under Fire: Academic Freedom and Production of Knowledge in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia"

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27 October 201712:30

Yemen: From War to Famine

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26 October 201711:30

Careers talk by Alaco

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25 October 201717:15

“Imagining a Peaceful Iraq: visions of stability after ISIS from policy to popular culture”

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25 October 201714:00

Perspectives on Work in the Aid and Development industry

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19 October - 22 December 201718:00

The Worlds of Mandaean Priests

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19 October 201718:00

The Worlds of Mandaean Priests - Documenting an Endangered Religion

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18 October 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Akanksha Mehta, University of Sussex

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18 October 201712:30

Secessionism in Iraq: The Realisation of the Kurdish Dream?

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17 October 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Prof Ismail Poonawala, University of California

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16 October 201710:30

Introduction to Career Planning for Mature students

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13 October 201713:30

Current PhD and Post-Doctoral Research in the Centre for Islamic Archaeology

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11 October 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dilip Hiro, Author and Journalist

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11 October 201710:30

Civil Service Diversity Internships Talk

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5 October 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Ben White, Analyst, Journalist and Author

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20 September 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Sedat Benek, Harran University

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10 - 11 July 20179:00

2017 Exeter Gulf Conference - "Hegemonic Boundaries and Asymmetric Power in the Gulf"

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26 June 201718:15

"Return to Kurdistan" by Richard Wilding

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26 - 28 June 20179:00

Kurdish Futures In and Outside of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran: Fresh Hopes or New Tragedies?

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2 June 201715:30

"Voice of the Ocean" Film Documentary

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1 June - 1 September 2017TBC

"Return to Kurdistan" by Richard Wilding

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24 - 25 May 20179:00

IAIS Postgraduate Conference 2017 - "Conflict, Borders and Contested Space"

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29 March 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Lisa Wynn

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22 March 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Hugh Kennedy, SOAS, University of London

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15 March 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Ramon Harvey, Ebrahim College

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8 March 201717:15

Film Presentation

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3 March 201711:30

A Barrister's perspective on working with tribal communities

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23 February - 12 May 201716:00

A Tale of Two Rivers: The Lower Wye and the Nubian Nile

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23 February 201716:00

Opening of A Tale of Two Rivers: The Lower Wye and the Nubian Nile

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17 February 201715:00

The Refugee Crisis in the Modern World, UNHCR External Relations

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15 February 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Ross Porter, IAIS

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13 - 17 February 201710:30

SSIS Careers Week 13th - 17th February 2017

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9 February 201718:30

The British School in Kuwait on teaching opportunities in the Middle East

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8 February 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Christian Lange, Utrecht University

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1 February 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Asghar Seyed-Gohrab, Department of Persian, University of Leiden

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25 January 201717:30

Visiting Speaker - Dr Michael Feener, Sultan of Oman Fellow, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford

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20 January 201714:00

ESRC SWDTP Studentships Info Day

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19 January 201717:45

Visiting Speaker - Dr Toufic Haddad,

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18 January 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Kawa Hassan, Director Middle East & North Africa Program, East West Institute, Brussels

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11 January 201717:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Cengiz Gunes, The Open University

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7 December 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Assoc Prof Abdel Takriti, University of Houston

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30 November 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Avigail Abarbanel, Fully Human Psychotherapy

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29 November 201618:00

Visiting Speaker - Dr Khalil al-Anani, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

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26 November 20169:30

2016 African Archaeology Research Day (AARD)

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24 November 201613:00

The politics of economic reform in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf - can the 'Visions’ become reality?

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23 November 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Humeyra Iqtidar, King's College, University of London

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9 November 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Stephen Griffith

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2 November 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Roderick Grierson, Rumi Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus

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18 October 201615:30

Working in the Middle East: FULLY BOOKED

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12 October 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Dr Natasha Ezrow, University of Essex

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5 October 201618:00

Sir Jon Day: "What keeps me awake at night?”

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5 October 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Gilbert Achcar, SOAS, University of London

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28 September 201612:30

IAIS Postgraduate Welcome Lecture and Lunch

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27 September 201617:30

Book Launch - Sustaining Conflict: Apathy and Domination in Israel-Palestine

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23 September - 16 December 2016TBC

The Hidden Face of Iran

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22 September 201618:00

The Hidden Face of Iran

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21 September 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor William Ochsenwald, Virginia Tech University, USA

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24 May - 25 June 201617:00

On Palestine

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23 - 24 May 20169:00

IAIS and Politics Postgraduate Conference

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27 April 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Jorunn Buckley, Bowdoin College, Maine, USA

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14 April 2016TBC

Sufis and Mullahs: Sufis and Their Opponents in the Persianate World

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23 March 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Geert Jan van Gelder, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

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16 March 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Lisa Wedeen, University of Chicago, USA

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9 March 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor Nicolai Sinai, University of Oxford

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2 March 201617:15

Visiting Speaker - Professor David Thomas, University of Birmingham

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24 February 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Andrea Mura, IAIS, University of Exeter

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17 February 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Vasileios Syros, Academy of Finland

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10 February 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Mateo Farzaneh, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, USA

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10 February 201615:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Ghassan Khatib, Vice President for Development, Birzeit University, Palestine

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3 February 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Professor Eugene Rogan, University of Oxford

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27 January 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Joost Hiltermann, International Crisis Group

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26 January 201619:30

Film Screening and Exhibition Opening

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26 January 201617:30

Last of the Dictionary Men: Stories from the South Shields Yemeni Sailors

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18 January 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Roham Alvandi, London School of Economics and Political Science

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13 January 201617:15

Visiting Speaker: Ramita Navai

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10 December 201517:30

Workshop and Lecture: Professor Leon van den Broeke (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

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9 December 201517:15

Visiting speaker: Prof. Jon HOOVER (University of Nottingham)

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2 December 201517:15

Visiting speaker: Dr. Emmanuel BLANCHARD (University of Versailles, France)

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27 November 201514:00

Visiting Speaker: Professor Ramin Jahanbegloo, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto

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25 November 201517:15

Visiting speaker: Dr. Gabriele vom BRUCK (SOAS)

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20 November 2015 - 29 January 20169:00

Last of the Dictionary Men: Stories from the South Shields Yemeni Sailors

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19 November 201518:00

Opening Exhibition Reception: Last of the Dictionary Men - Stories from the South Shields Yemeni Sailors

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18 November 201517:15

Visiting speaker: Professor Sami ZUBAIDA (Birkbeck College, London)

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17 November 201517:00

Visiting Speaker: Dr Muhammad Najib Azca (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

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12 November 201518:15

Special Film Screening of Queens of Syria

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12 November 201516:30

Reflections on Vatican II: Religions in a World of Religious Diversity

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4 November 201517:15

Visiting speaker: Professor Blain AUER (Lausanne University, Switzerland)

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31 October - 1 November 20159:30

Early Career Middle Eastern Studies Research Network (MESnet) Workshop

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14 October 201517:15

Professor Dirk Moses, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

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2 - 4 October 2015TBC

Conference on Settler Colonialism in Palestine & Workshop on the Naqab Bedouin

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16 June 201517:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Ziba Mir-Hosseini, SOAS

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8 - 9 June 20159:00

Researching the Middle East: Fieldwork, Archives, Issues, and Ethics

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4 June 201517:30

Book Launch by Jenny Balfour Paul

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3 June 201517:15

Visiting Lecture: Dr Shuruq Naguib, Lancaster University

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20 May 201517:15

Roundtable with Dr Alireza Bhojani (Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham), Dr Haifaa Jawad (Dept of Theology and Religious Study, University of Birmingham) and Dr Karim Lahham (Tabah Foundation/Barrister Inner London Temple)

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18 May 20159:00

Ecologies of Violence and Genealogies of Terror

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6 May 201517:15

Visiting Speaker: Dr Meir Hatina Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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25 March 201517:15

Visiting Speaker: Prof Simona Sharoni, The State University of New York in Plattsburgh

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23 March 201517:15

Dr Lia Brynjar, Associate Professor, University of Oslo, Norway

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23 March 201515:00

Dr Talmiz Ahmad

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18 March 201517:15

Reimagining Political Space--Empire, Revolts, and Competitive State-Formation in the Middle East and North Africa in the 1920s

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11 March 201517:15

Dr Guy Laron, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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25 February 201517:15

CANCELLED : Neoliberal Autocracy and its Unmaking: Syria from 2000 to the present

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24 February 201517:30

Books and Bibliophiles: Studies in Honour of Paul Auchterlonie on the Bio-bibliography of the Muslim World ed. R. Gleave

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18 February 201517:00

Before the Portolan Charts: Navigation and Maritime Spaces in the Fatimid Book of Curiosities - by Dr Yossef Rapoport

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18 February 201513:00

'Academic Writing & Publishing: Advice from an Editor.' by Dr James Onley

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11 February 201517:15

Dr Gina Bekker, School of Law Ulster University.

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11 February 201517:15

Rights in North Africa: The African Commission and African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights ’ by Dr Gina Bekker

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11 February 201513:00

Careers and Further Study with an IAIS degree

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21 January 201517:15

The divine man’s Holy Spirit. Some new remarks regarding Imamate and prophecy

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14 January 201517:15

The Twelve Israeli Wars On Gaza

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3 December 201417:15

Citizenship after Orientalism

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25 November 201417:15

"Between Authoritarianism and Intellectualism. Some Recent Controversies on the Role of Hadith in Sunnite Islam"

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5 November 201417:15

Indonesia’s Islamic Revolution

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22 October 201417:15

Female Islamic Authority in the Middle East and beyond

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15 October 201417:15

Christian-Muslim relations in the Inquisition Malta 1605

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1 October 201417:15

Public Event. Visiting Speaker : Onnik James Krikorian

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