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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Photo of Professor Tahir Abbas

Professor Tahir Abbas

Honorary Professor


Tahir ABBAS, FAcSS, is a Professor of Radicalisation Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University in The Hague and an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter. He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of the European Commission (EC)-funded H2020 DRIVE project, which is exploring radicalisation and social exclusion in northwest Europe. He is also the Principal Investigator of the EC-funded PROTONE project, which explores ways in which to protect religious places of worship in Europe.

He was a Reader (Associate Professor) in Sociology at the University of Birmingham (2003–2010) and a Professor of Sociology at Istanbul University (2010–2016) before joining the Institute in August 2018. He was also a Senior Research Officer in the UK government (2001-2003) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (2016-2018).

He is the author of five single-authored monographs and one co-authored monograph; editor and co-editor of eighteen books and special editions; and author and co-author of over one hundred peer-reviewed scientific papers, book chapters, encyclopaedia entries, book reviews, and over seventy-five op-eds and blogs.

He has recently been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics (2017–2019) and New York University (2015–2016). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

The following are some of my books, journal articles, book chapters, encyclopaedia entries, and book reviews since 2021.


Abbas, T. (2022) Ruminations: Framing a Sense of Self and Coming to Terms with the Other, Oldham, UK: Beacon Books.

Welten, L. and Abbas, T. (2022) Islamophobia and Securitisation: The Dutch Case, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Pivot-Springer.

Zalta, A., Abbas, T. and Azak, U. (2021) (eds.) ‘Understanding Ethnic, Religious and Cultural Minorities in Turkey’, Poligrafi 26(101/102): 1-312 + co-written introduction.

Abbas, T. (2021) Countering Violent Extremism: The International Deradicalization Agenda, London and New York: Bloomsbury-Academic.


Abbas, T. (2023), ‘Conceptualising the Waves of Islamist Radicalisation in the UK’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, published online 20 April 2023.

Vink, D., Abbas, T., Veilleux-Lepage, Y., and McNiel-Willson, R. (2023a) ‘ “Because they are women in a man’s world”: a critical discourse analysis of incel violent extremists and the stories they tell’, Terrorism and Political Violence, published online 27 March 2023.

Övet, K., Hewitt, J. and Abbas, T. (2022), ‘Understanding PKK, Kurdish Hezbollah and ISIS Recruitment in Southeastern Turkey’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, published online 23 February 2022.

Abbas, T., Awan, I. and Marsden, J. (2021g) ‘Pushed to the edge: the consequences of the ‘Prevent Duty’ in de-radicalising pre-crime thought among British Muslim university students’, Race Ethnicity and Education, published online 23 December 2021.

Abbas, T. (2021f) ‘Reading Ziauddin Sardar on ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Post-Normal Times’, World Futures (special issue), 78(2-4): 222-230.

Sibgatullina, G. and Abbas, T. (2021k) ‘Political Conversion to Islam Among the European Right’, The Journal of Illiberalism Studies 1(2): 1-17.

Abbas, T. (2021e) ‘El alcance y los límites de la lucha contra el extremismo violento en el Reino Unido (The Extent and Limits of Countering Violent Extremism in the UK)’, Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals 128: 155-174 (Sep).

Abbas, T. (2021d) ‘Reflection: The ‘‘war on terror’’, Islamophobia and radicalisation-twenty years on’, Critical Studies on Terrorism 14(4): 402-404.

Kromczyk, M., Khattab, N. and Abbas, T. (2021c) ‘The limits of tolerance: before and after Brexit and the German refugee crisis’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 44(16): 170-193.

Welten, L. and Abbas, T. (2021b) Critical Perspectives on Salafism in the Netherlands, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT) Research Paper, April.

Welton, L. and Abbas, T. (2021a) ‘ “We are already 1-0 behind”: Perceptions of Dutch Muslims on Islamophobia, securitisation, and de-radicalisation’, Critical Studies on Terrorism 14(1): 90-116.


Abbas, T. (2023) ‘Foreword’, in Mohiuddin, A., Navigating Religious Authority in Muslim Societies: Islamist Movements and the Challange of Globalisation, Cham: Springer-Palgrave-Macmillan.

Abbas, T., McNeil-Willson, R. and Vostermans, L. (2023a) ‘United Kingdom’, in Anna Triandafyllidou and Richard McNeil-Willson (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Violent Extremism and Resilience, Routledge.

Abbas, T. (2022c) ‘Islamophobia in the United Kingdom: the vicious cycle of institutionalised racism and reinforcing the Muslim “Other” ‘, in Naved Bakali and Farid Hafez (eds) The Rise of Global Islamophobia in the War on Terror: Coloniality, Race, and Islam, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Abbas, T. (2022b) ‘Muslims in Britain: From Forcible Assimilation to Preventable Radicalisation, in Daniel Stockemer (ed.) Muslim Immigrants in the Western World: Integration, Sense of Belonging and Political Identity, Springer-Nature.

Abbas, T. (2022a) ‘United Kingdom: Islamist Radicalisation in a Spatial Context’, in Thierry Balzacq and Elyamine Settoul (eds.) Radicalization in Theory and Practice: Understanding Religious Violence in Western Europe, Ann Arbor: Michigan, Michigan University Press.

Abbas, T. (2021c) ‘Foreword’, in Shad, T. (ed.) Religion, Economics, and Politics in FATA-KP: The Enduring Challenges of Merged Tribal Districts in Northwestern Pakistan, New York: Peter Lang.

Abbas, T. (2021b) ‘Intersecting Globalisation, Islamophobia, Radicalization and Securitization’, in Bonino, S. and Ricucci, R. (eds.) Islam and Security in the West, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Abbas, T. (2021a) ‘Muslims and Extremism’, in Ronald Lukens-Bull and Mark Woodward (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Lives, New York: Springer.


Abbas, T. (2021) ‘Islamism’, in Ritzer, G. and Rojek, C. (eds.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.


Abbas, T. (2023) ‘Can Muslims Think? Race, Islam, and the End of Europe by Muneeb Hafiz’, Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Abbas, T. (2022) ‘Extremism: a philosophical analysis by Quassim Cassim: a review’, Critical Studies on Terrorism 15(4): 1032-1037.

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I am interested in Islamophobia, radicalisation, securitisation, social conflict, polarisation, and the specific experiences of Muslim minorities in Europe in relation to issues of identity, belonging, religion, places of worship, and integration and multiculturalism.

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