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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Photo of Dr Claire Beaugrand

Dr Claire Beaugrand

Lecturer in Sociology of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula


My research interests focus on social and political dynamics and their links to migration in the Gulf countries. They include the politics of citizenship, diaspora, nationalism and nation-building. My current research project focuses on the mobility and circulations of Gulf economic elites to Western countries raising the question of elites' international integration.

My book, Statelessness in the Gulf : Migration, Nationality and Society in Kuwait (IB Tauris 2018), investigates the issue of bidun people in Kuwait, as illustrating the shift from a sheikhly state to a national territorial one and the process of national identity building in the face of mass migration. Using a combination of Arabic press archive sources and ethnographic material, it analyses how the now deeply-entrenched citizens/foreigners line was historically debated and concretely drawn and explores the historical, economic, and political forces that have shaped the bidun experience as well as the emergence of their mobilisation movements.

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My research interests include citizenship and migration studies, urban exclusion and symbolic violence –with a special focus on the Gulf and in particular Kuwait and sociology of elites, capital conversion (Bourdieu).

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| 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 | 2004 |



  • Beaugrand C. (2022) Adimu al jinsiyya fil al khalij (al hijra, al jinsiyya wa al mujtama'a fil kuwayt), Takween Publishing.


  • Beaugrand C. (2020) The Middle East and North Africa and the global trend towards multiple citizenship, Routledge Handbook of Citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, 422-439.
  • Beaugrand C. (2020) The Absurd Injunction to Not Belong and the Bidūn in Kuwait, International Journal of Middle East Studies, volume 52, no. 4, pages 726-732, DOI:10.1017/s0020743820001014. [PDF]


  • Beaugrand C. (2019) Oil Metonym, Citizens’ Entitlement, and Rent Maximizing: Reflections on the Specificity of Kuwait, The Politics of Rentier States in the Gulf, POMEPS Studies, 56-59.





  • Beaugrand CBM. (2014) Soulèvement au Bahreïn : le retour du balancier autoritaire, Soulèvements et recompositions politiques dans le monde arabe, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 363-387.
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2014) In and Out Moves of the Bahraini Opposition: How Years of Political Exile Led to the Opening of an International Front during the 2011 Crisis in Bahrain, Transit States: Labour, Migration & Citizenship in the Gulf, Pluto Press, 289-322.
  • Beaugrand C. (2014) Urban margins in Kuwait and Bahrain: Decay, dispossession and politicization, City, volume 18, no. 6, pages 735-745, DOI:10.1080/13604813.2014.962887. [PDF]
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2014) Immigrés, exilés, réfugiés, binationaux, etc. : les ‘enfants illégitimes’ des révolutions et des transitions politiques ?, Migrations Société, pages 3-16.
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2014) Framing Nationality in the Migratory Context : The Elusive Category of Biduns in Kuwait, Middle East Law and Governance, pages 1-31.


  • Beaugrand C, Le Renard A, Stadnicki R. (2013) Beyond the Skyline: Cities in Transformation in the Arabian Peninsula, Chroniques yéménites, no. 2, DOI:10.4000/cy.2648. [PDF]
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2013) Du consumérisme à l'engagement. Le sursaut de jeunes Sunnites au Bahreïn pour “défendre leur pays”, Jeunesses arabes Du Maroc au Yémen : loisirs, cultures et politiques, La Découverte, 310-317.
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2013) Les vacances en Europe. Univers familial, univers familier des “ Golfiens", Jeunesses arabes Du Maroc au Yémen : loisirs, cultures et politiques, La Découverte, 210-214.
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2013) Wa'ad : l'opposition de gauche prise dans l'étau du confessionnalisme, Au Coeur des révoltes arabes. Devenirs révolutionnaires, Armand Colin, 320-320.
  • Beaugrand CBM. (2013) L’engagement des monarchies du Golfe contre le régime de Bachar al-Assad, Pas de printemps pour la Syrie ? Acteurs et défis de la crise 2011-2013, La Découverte, 310-321.


  • Beaugrand CBM. (2011) Statelessness and Administrative Violence: Biduns' Survival Strategies in Kuwait, Muslim World, pages 228-250.


  • Beaugrand CBM. (2010) Politiques de non-intégration des migrants dans les monarchies du Golfe: les raisons de leur pérennité, Transcontinentales : Sociétés, Idéologies, Système Mondial.



  • Beaugrand CBM. (2004) Sociabilités féminines en évolution : les étudiantes omanaises à l’Université de Koweït, Maghreb - Machrek, pages 63-77.

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I graduated from SciencesPo (Paris) and Sorbonne University (History, Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne) before obtaining an MSc (Development Studies) from the London School of Economics (LSE). I wrote my PhD in the International Relations Department at the LSE (2010) under the supervision of late Professor Fred Halliday, and funded by a scholarship from the CEFAS (French Centre for Archaeology and Social Sciences, CNRS).

After working as a Gulf Senior Analyst with the International Crisis Group (ICG), I joined the newly established branch of the Institut Français du Proche Orient (CNRS), in the occupied Palestinian Territories (2013- 17). I was a core-researcher in the ERC-funded WAFAW project (2013-17), responsible of the research axis on “Diaspora and Arab revolutions and transitions” and am a founding and editorial board member of the website (French/Arabic/English). I am a Permanent researcher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Researches in Social Sciences -IRISSO (CNRS), Université Paris Dauphine, PSL.

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