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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Photo of Dr Farangis Ghaderi

Dr Farangis Ghaderi

Lecturer in Gender and Kurdish Studies, Director of the Centre for Kurdish Studies, Principle Investigator (PI) of the Kurdish Digital Archive


First-generation scholar, I am Lecturer in Gender and Kurdish Studies, Principal Investigator of the Kurdish Digital Archives project, and Director of the Centre for Kurdish Studies. My research and teaching experience build on my fields of specialisation which are Kurdish cultural production, gender studies, and translation studies. As a female Kurdish scholar, I recognise how understudied Kurdish culture and literature and Kurdish women's contribution to cultural and intellectual heritage are in the field and that has shaped the direction of research.

As the Principal Investigator of the Kurdish Digital Archives, the Kurdish component of the Digital Archives of the Middle East (DAME) project, I have set up partnerships with leading archival repositories in Kurdistan, to build a Digital Kurdish Archives, which includes primary source materials hitherto inaccessible to scholars. In studying Kurdish archives I am particularly interested in gendered erasures and opportunities archives offer in recovering Kurdish women's voices. I am also examining the canon formation and Kurdish print culture under the British Mandate. 

I obtained my doctorate at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies in 2016 and my dissertation examined the emergence of modern Kurdish poetry. I am currently finalising my monograph entitled, The Emergence and Early Development of Modern Kurdish Poetry. Inspired by semiotic theory, I have illustrated a gradual shift in aesthetic paradigms in Kurdish poetry which unfolded over the oeuvre of several poets, starting from the late nineteenth century. I have demonstrated that modern Kurdish poetry emerged in response to the advent of modernity and its socio-political implications in Kurdish society.

I am associate editor of the Kurdish Studies Journal and co-editor of Derwaze, Kurdish peer-reviewed journal in social sciences and humanities. I am also a literary translator and have translated Kurdish Sorani and Gorani poetry into English

In addition to my academic experience, I have worked as an independent Middle East consultant and Expert Witness in the UK. I have contributed to English and Kurdish media including BBC World Service, Newsweek, Nation Cymru, Kurdistani Nwe, Zemen Press, and Geli Kurdistan.  

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My research interests comprise of Kurdish cultural production, social history, women's studies, cultural diplomacy, and translation studies. As well as my own research, I have collaborated in three research projects at the University of Exeter and the Jagiellonian University, Kraków

My research has been circulated in translation in Kurdish journals. Some of these translations are:

Ghaderi, F. (2023). ناسینالیزم و مۆدێرنیتە لە شیعری کوردیدا: پێداچوونەوەیەک بۆ سەرهەڵدانی شیعری مۆدێرنی کوردی(Nationalism and Modernity in Kurdish Poetry: A New Perspective). Journal of the University of Garmian, 10 (2), 176-189. 

Ghaderi, F. (2017). ‘Astengên li ber Nivîsîna Tarîxa Edebiyata Kurdî: Pêşkeşkirin, Tasnîfkirin, Qonaxbendî’ (The Challenges of Writing Kurdish Literary History). Wêje û Rexne, 8. pp. 88– 113.

Ghaderi, F. (2016). ‘Serwa: Lêkollîneweyekî Şîkarîy Berawirdkarîyele Şî’rî Kurdî da’ (Book review: A Comparative Study of Kurdish Rhyme Schemes). Derwaze, 1 (1).

Ghaderi, F. (2015). ‘Tevgerên Civakîyên Jinan’ (Women Movements). Kenanê Nado (Trans.). Zarema. II (4). pp. 5–16.

Ghaderi, F. (2015). ‘Ji nû ve Hizirîna li ser Peydabûna Helbessta Kurdî ya Modern’ (Revisiting the Emergence of Modern Kurdish Poetry). Fahriya Adsay (Trans.). Zarema. I (3), pp. 136– 141.

Ghaderi, F. (2014). ‘Hecî Qadirê Koyî û Peydabûna Netewperweriya Kurdî’ (Haji Qadir Koyi and Kurdish Nationalism). Zarema. I (2), pp. 43–50.

Research group links

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |


  • Ghaderi F. (2024) Jin, Jiyan, Azadî : Süregelen Bir Kriz Üzerine Düşünceler [Woman, Life, Freedom: Reflections on an Ongoing Crisis], Kürd Araştırmaları. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F. (2024) Uncovering Women's Voices in the History of Kurdish Poetry, Kurdish Women Through History, Culture, and Resistance, Mazda Publishers.


  • Ghaderi F. (2023) مێژووی شیعری کوردی [The History of Kurdish Poetry], مێژووی کورد [History of the Kurds], Jamal Erfan Publisher, 331-361.
  • Berivan K-S, Gülay K, Ghaderi F, Necla A. (2023) Contextualizing Kurdish Gender Studies: Decolonial Feminist Knowledge Production and the Genesis of the Kurdish Gender Studies Network, Kurdish Studies Journal, volume 1, no. 1-2, pages 255-283, DOI:10.1163/29502292-00101012. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F, Joanna B. (2023) ‘Gan qey bedenî yeno çi mana’ (What the Soul Means for the Body): Collecting and Archiving Kurdish Folklore as a Strategy for Language Revitalization and Indigenous Knowledge Production, Folklore, volume 134, pages 344-369, DOI:10.1080/0015587X.2023.2205777.
  • Ghaderi F. (2023) RojhIlat’ta Kürt Edebiyatı Kısa Bir Bakış [Kurdish literature in Rojhalat (Iranian Kuridstan)], Kürt Tarihi Dergisi [Journal of Kurdish History], volume 50. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2023) Çima “Jîna”: Jêbirina Jinên Kurd û Sîyaseta Wan ji Serhildanên li Îranê [Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran], Le Monde diplomatique. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F. (2023) 'Kurdish literature has a male dominated image' A conversation with Dr Farangis Ghaderi, Dîwan Journal, volume 19, pages 80-88.
  • Ghaderi F. (2023) ناسیونالیزم ومۆدێرنیتە لە شیعری کوردیدا: پێداچوونەوەیەک بۆسەرهەڵدانی شیعری مۆدێرنی کوردی [Nationalism and Modernity in Kurdish Poetry: A New Perspective], Journal of University of Garmian, volume 10, no. 2, pages 176-189. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F. (2023) Rising ‘from blood, tears, longing’: An Overview of Kurdish Poetry, The Kurds: Literature, Topos Publisher.


  • Ghaderi F. (2022) شعر مدرنیتە و ناسیونالیزم [Poetics of Modernity and Nationalism], Translated by Sirwa Fotouhi, Mahabad Journal, volume 224, pages 52-59.
  • Ghaderi F. (2022) A Conversation on Kurdish Translation with Farangis Ghaderi: Interview by Holly Mason Badra, Asymptote. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2022) Boçî Jîna: Sirrînewey Jina Kurd û Xebate Siyasekey le Serheldanî Êran [Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran], Zamen Press.
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2022) چرا ژینا؟ نام‌زدایی از زنان کرد و سیاست‌ آنان در خیزش آزادی‌خواهی ایران [Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran], Naghd-e Eghtesad-e Siyasi [Critique of Political Economy].
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2022) Por qué “Jîna”: el borrado de las mujeres kurdas y sus políticas en los levantamientos en Irán [Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran], Kurdistan America Latina.
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2022) Neden “Jîna”: İran'daki Ayaklanmalarda Kürt Kadınlarının ve Politikalarının Silinmesi [Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran], Kürd Araştırmaları.
  • Bocheńska J, Ghaderi F, Matyar B. (2022) Special Issue: Citizens of the World: Modern Kurdish Literature and Heritagisation as a Means for Transforming and Revitalising the Kurdish Language and the Oral Tradition, FRITILLARIA KURDICA, Bulletin of Kurdish Studies, volume 21. [PDF]
  • Bocheńska J, Ghaderi F, Matyar B. (2022) Special Issue: Citizens of the World: Modern Kurdish Literature and Heritagisation as a Means for Transforming and Revitalising The Kurdish Language and The Oral Tradition, volume 21.
  • Ghaderi F. (2022) Interview with Bihar Doskî, Kurdish Heritage Institute, FRITILLARIA KURDICA, Bulletin of Kurdish Studies, volume 21, pages 298-309. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F. (2022) Interview with Hecî Ce’fer, Pioneer Kurdish Folklorist and Archivist in Bahdinan, Iraqi Kurdistan, FRITILLARIA KURDICA, Bulletin of Kurdish Studies, volume 21, pages 113-124. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F. (2022) Interview with Cemîl Şêlazî, Kurdish Folklore Archivist and Writer, FRITILLARIA KURDICA, volume 21, pages 76-101. [PDF]
  • Ghaderi F, Goner O. (2022) Why “Jîna”: Erasure of Kurdish Women and Their Politics from the Uprisings in Iran, Jadaliyya.
  • Ghaderi F. (2022) Poetics of modernity and nationalism: Revisiting the emergence of modern Kurdish poetry, Literature Compass, volume 19, no. 7, DOI:10.1111/lic3.12675. [PDF]


  • Ghaderi F, Scalbert Yücel C. (2021) Unsung Poets of Kurdistan: A Reflection on Women’s Voices in Kurdish Poetry, Women’s Voice From Kurdistan; A Selection of Kurdish Poetry, Translational Press London, 7-17.
  • Ghaderi F. (2021) The History of Kurdish Poetry, The Cambridge History of the Kurds, Cambridge University Press, 707-728.
  • Ghaderi F. (2021) The History of Kurdish Poetry, The Cambridge History of the Kurds, Cambridge University Press, 707-728.
  • Ghaderi F, Scalbert Yücel C, Ali Y. (2021) Women’s Voice From Kurdistan; A Selection of Kurdish Poetry, Translational Press London.
  • Ghaderi F, Scalbert Yücel C. (2021) An Etat Présent of the Kurdish literature in English translation, Translator, volume 27, no. 2, pages 150-166, DOI:10.1080/13556509.2021.1872196.


  • Mojab S, Öpengin E. (2018) Derwaze Special Issue: The Intellectual Legacy of Amir Hassanpour.


  • Ghaderi F. (2017) Pêşekî [Introduction], Pîremêrd's Dwanze Swarî Merîwan, Peywend.
  • Ghaderi F. (2017) Pêşekî [Introduction], Dwanze Swarî Merîwan, Peywend.
  • Ghaderi F. (2017) Astengên li ber Nivîsîna Tarîxa Edebiyata Kurdî: Pêşkeşkirin, Tasnîfkirin, Qonaxbendî [The Challenges of Writing Kurdish Literary History], Wêje û Rexne, volume 8, pages 88-113.
  • Ghaderi F. (2017) The literary legacy of the Ardalans, Kurdish Studies, volume 5, no. 1, pages 32-55, DOI:10.33182/ks.v5i1.419. [PDF]


  • Ghaderi F. (2016) The Emergence and Development of Modern Kurdish Poetry, volume 3, pages 3-25.



  • Ghaderi F. (2014) Hecî Qadirê Koyî û Peydabûna Netewperweriya Kurdî’ [Haji Qadir Koyi and Kurdish Nationalism], Zarema, volume I (2), pages 43-50.

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External impact and engagement

Editorial responsibilities

Associate Editor, Kurdish Studies Journal 


Member of Board of Scholars, Women Poets Iranica, Encyclopedia Iranica 

Co-editor and co-founder, Derwaze: Kurdish Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 

Member of the Editorial Board, Kurdish People, History, and Politics Series, Peter Lang Publishing.

Member of Steering Committee, Kurdish Gender Studies Network (KGSN)

Member of the Editorial Board, Nûbihar Akademî, International Peer-reviewed Journal of Kurdish Studies. 

Media Engagement

NewsweekBBC World ServiceNation Cymru, Gali Kurdistan, KurdsatKurdistani Nwe, and Zamen Press.

Organised Conferences

12-13 June 2023. Kurdish Archives: Past, Present, Future. 

University of Exeter, University of Sulaimani (KRI), and the Kurdish Heritage Institute (KRI). 

27-28 October 2022. Kurdish Folklore as World Heritage: Language, Music, and Archives

University of Exeter, Jagiellonian University (PL), Kurdish Heritage Institute (KRI), Mezopotamya Foundation (TR).

17 September 2018. Kurdish Cultural Production in Iran: Past, Present, and Future. University of Exeter. Funded by Iran Heritage Foundation.

26 January 2012. The Portrait of a Nation in Poetry and Music. University of Exeter.   

Organised panels

‘Meet the Author Series’, Kurdish Gender Studies Network, co-organised with Dr Joanna Bochenska:

19 May 2022. Conversation with Ava Homa, Kurdish-Canadian novelist.

31 March 2022. Conversation with Jana Seyda, Kurdish writer, poet, and translator.

24 February 2022. Conversation with Zeyneb Yash, Kurdish writer and archivist.

‘Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Heritage Series’, co-organised with Dr Joanna Bochenska of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, November 2020- June 202:

22 June 2021: “Oral Tradition, Language, and Kurdish Art”

8 June 2021: "Translating Kurdish into Kurdish: inter-dialectal translations"

25 May 2021: “Kurdish Translations of World Literature with participation of Kurdish authors and translators”

4 May 4 2021: “Women dengbêjs and women collectors”

29 April, 2021: “Translation and Language Revitalisation: Global Kurdish Literature”

20 April 2021: “Dengbejs' Performance as Inspiration for Modern Kurdish Theatre and Music”

March 16, 2021: “Reflections on Dengbêjs as Narrators of the Past”

9 March 2021: “Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Written Heritage; part II”

25 February 2021: “Documenting and Archiving Kurdish Oral Heritage; part I”

18 December 2020: "Women’ Voices in Kurdish literature," Kurdish Women Studies Network Lecture Series. 

31 January–2 February 2019: ‘‘Resistance is Life’; Paths of Resistance in Kurdish Arts and Literature,’ 14th Società Italiana di Studi sul Medio Oriente (SeSaMo) Conference, Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa, University of Turin (Italy). 

Public Lectures 

8 October 2020: “Dengê Jinan: Nimandên ji Helbesta Kurdî” [Representation of Women in Kurdish Poetry]. Diyarbakır Comparative Literature Days. [in Kurdish]

18 June 2020. “The Situation of Kurdish Language in East Kurdistan”. The Use of Kurdish Language in Kurdistan and Diaspora. KURD-AKAD UK.

8 November 2019. “The Poetics of Kurdish Resistance”. Exeter Literary Festival.

27 September 2019. “Kurdish Language in Translation: My Language Is My ‘Mal’”. Translation! Festival, Exeter.

4 December 2018. Kurdish Library of Stockholm. [in Kurdish]

7 February 2016. “Hacî Qadirê Koyî and Poetic Modernity”. Kurdish Institute of Istanbul. [in Kurdish]

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Modules taught

  • ARA2118 - Gender-Identity and Modernity in the Middle East
  • ARA3106 - Dissertation
  • ARAM082 - Dissertation
  • ARAM251 - Esotericism and the Magical Tradition

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More information

Literary Translations

“Unknown Ghazals”, Translation of Ghazals by Mahwi (1830-1906), from Kurdish-Sorani into English. Circumference Magazine, Summer Issue. August 2022.

“An Elegy for Khosrow”, a ghazal by Mestûre Erdelan (1805-1848). In Women's Voices from Kurdistan. 2021. London: Translational Press. pp. 19-21.

“Memory of Shirin”, a poem by Hêmin (1921-1986). In Women’s Voices from Kurdistan. 2021. London: Translational Press. pp. 23-30.>

“Nasrin”. a poem Fayeq Bêkes (1905-1948). In Women’s Voices from Kurdistan. 2021. London: Translational Press. pp. 31-35.

“When I Dream About You” & "Question". Two poems by Jîla Huseynî (1964-1996). In Women’s Voices from Kurdistan. 2021. London: Translational Press. pp. 37-41.

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