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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Photo of Dr Juan Macías-Amoretti

Dr Juan Macías-Amoretti

Honorary Research Fellow


I am an Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Granada, where I lecture in Contemporary Arab Thought, Contemporary History of the Arab World, and Contemporary Arab Philosophy and Islamic Discourse in graduate and postgraduate studies. I am a Senior Research Fellow at the research group Contemporary Arab Studies at the UGR (HUM108), and Honorary Research Fellow at the IAIS, University of Exeter. I have been Associated Research Fellow at the Jacques Berque Centre in Rabat (2012-2016), and visiting scholar at the Middle East Centre-St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford (2018) and at the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies in Cairo (2009, 2010). I have also lectured at the King Fahd School of Translation, Abdelmalek Esaâdi University in Tangier (2015), and at the Ca’Foscari University of Venice (2013). I currently serve as Director of the Department of Semitic Studies at the University of Granada. I obtained a European doctorate in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Granada, and a Diploma in Arabic/Spanish Translation from the Toledo Schools for Translators, University of Castilla-La Mancha. 

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My research interests focus on contemporary political thought and philosophy in the Maghreb, Moroccan political Islam, and intellectual narratives and democratic discourse in North Africa, from a postcolonial perspective and following a discourse analysis methodology. I have participated in several projects and recently leaded the research project “Ideology, text and discourse: narratives of social change in North Africa” (2016-2019), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, as principal investigator. Some of my scholarly research can be found in Journal of North African Studies, The Muslim World, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, Islamochristiana, Journal of Arab and Islamic Studies, Studia Orientalia, Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, and Estudios de Asia y África, among others. 

Latest publications

Macías-Amoretti J A (2023). “Abdessalam Benabdelali’s thought on culture, reason and translation: towards a philosophical canon in Morocco”. In Mohammed Hashas (ed.). Contemporary Moroccan Thought: On Philosophy, Theology, Society, and Culture. Series Modern Intellectual Trends. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming).

Macías-Amoretti J A (2022). “The case method in the teaching of contemporary Arab political thought: the shutdown of the pan-Arab newspaper al-Ḥayāt as a case study”. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA, 60 (2) (forthcoming)

Macías-Amoretti J A (2022). “Análisis comparado del discurso político outsider en Marruecos: el boicot a las elecciones legislativas de 2016”. DISCURSO & SOCIEDAD, 16 (4) (forthcoming).

Macías-Amoretti J A, ed. (2022). Dámqrata. Una antología árabe de la democracia en el norte de África. Series Madrasa. Granada: Editorial Comares (forthcoming).

Macías-Amoretti J A, Pérez-Beltrán, C (2022). “Polarised activism on the ‘woman question’: the Islamic march of Casablanca in 2000”. In Feliú L, Izquierdo F, Mateo J L, Ribas-Mateos N, eds. Social mobilisation in Morocco. Lessons learned for a historically-informed activism. Münich: Ibidem Press, 261-273.

Macías-Amoretti J A (2021). “‘Ilm al-balāga y Análisis Crítico del Discurso árabe contemporáneo: nuevas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas”. In López D, Paraskeva M, Boloix B, eds. Un collar de palabras. Saberes, discursos y reflexiones actuales desde los Estudios Semíticos. Series Estudios Árabes. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 213-228.

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