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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Photo of Dr Clemence Scalbert-Yucel

Dr Clemence Scalbert-Yucel

Senior Lecturer in Ethnopolitics


01392 725254



I have studied geography at the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, and political geography at the University of Marne-La-Vallée and Paris IV (France). I gained my PhD in Political Geography at the University of Paris IV- Sorbonne in 2005. My PhD thesis addressed the question of the development of a Kurdish field of literature in the context of language conflict in Turkey. I also graduated in Kurdish Language and Civilisation at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in Paris in 2003.

I taught geography at the INALCO from 2003 to 2007, when I joined the University of Exeter.

Between 2014 and 2016 I was in Istanbul, serving as the director of contemporary studies at the IFEA (French Institute for Anatolian Studies).  

My research interests include the following:

- ethnicity and field of cultural production

- cultural heritage, space, and identity

- Kurdish literatures and translation

- environment, ecological mobilisation, and rurality.

I mainly conduct research in Turkey, Kurdistan, and in the diaspora

For office hours and research leave go here.

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My research interests include the following: cultural heritage, space, and identity; environment and rurality ; ethnicity and the fields of cultural production; kurdish literatures

I am currently working on the following research :
• Back to the countryside: reconsidering contemporary rurality in Turkey through migration, ecology, and belonging

• Kurdish women literatures in translation, supported by an outreach and research grant by the British Institute for the study of Iraq.

I am a member of the ANR Project led by Stephanie Latte-Abdallah "Alter-Citizens in the Middle East. Inventing Resistance in Times of Violence / IMAGIN-E" (2022-2025)

Research group links

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I am happy to supervise students working on the following areas:

- Field of cultural production, identity politics, and development in Turkey and Kurdistan

- Heritage policies, space and identity in Turkey and Kurdistan

- Sociological and geographical approaches to Kurdish literature and translation

- Rurality & Ecology in Turkey and Kurdistan

I am also happy to co-supervise similar researches on other parts of the Middle East, and comparative studies where appropriate.

Research students

I am currently supervising : 

The Roaring 70s: Cultural Renaissance in Iraqi Kurdistan (Saman Ihsan Abdalkarim)

Representation of Anatolia in the Islamic Era in British Museums: A critical evaluation of the collections in the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum (Nur Efeoglu)

I have recently supervised dissertations on the following topics: 

Affective Geographies: Borders, Home, Belonging and Futurity in Palestinian, Syrian and Iraqi Exile Literature (Roba Al-Salibi)

Representations of Diyarbakir in Kurdish and Turkish contemporary literatures, by Francesco Marilungo

Identity Discourses in Bahdinani Literature, by Yaser Hassan Ali

Re-Imag(in)ing Diyarbakir: Image, Archive and the production of place, by Kerrie Bramhall

Economic Restructuring in Iraqi Kurdistan and its effects on People's Everyday life (Schluwa Sama)

In Search for Architectural Identity in the Contemporary Gulf: Informal and Formal Appropriations of Traditional Architecture in the Gulf (Gizem Karaman Aksoy)


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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2023 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2023) Kurdish language rights, mobilisations, and representations in the Justice and Development Party’s Era, Minorities and Diasporas in Turkey. Public Images and Issues in Education, Sapienza Università Editrice, 43-43. [PDF]


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2021) Greening and Feeding the City: The Difficult Path to the Implementation of Political Ecology in Diyarbakır/Amed, 2015-2017, Ecological Solidarity and the Kurdish Freedom Movement Thought, Practice, Challenges, and Opportunities, Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Yücel CS, Ghaderi F, Ali YH. (2021) Women’s Voices from Kurdistan – A Selection of Kurdish Poetry, Transnational Press London.
  • Ghaderi F, Scalbert Yücel C. (2021) An Etat Présent of the Kurdish literature in English translation, Translator, volume 27, no. 2, pages 150-166, DOI:10.1080/13556509.2021.1872196.




  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2016) Common Ground or Battlefield? Deconstructing the Politics of Recognition in Turkey, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, volume 22, no. 1.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2015) Diversité culturelle et hiérarchie ethnique. L'usage des catégories dans le conflit kurde en Turquie, Identités et politique De la différenciation culturelle au conflit, Presses de Science Po, 117-144.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2015) Heritage as a Category of Public Policy in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, Order and Compromise: Government Practices in Turkey from the Late Ottoman Empire to the Early 21st Century, Brill.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2015) La question kurde. Passé et présent. Jordi Tejel Gorgas, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2014, 144 pag. (compte rendu de lecture), afkar/ideas, nº 44, hiver 2014-2015, IEMed – Estudios de Política Exterior S. A., Barcelona – Madrid.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2015) Diversité culturelle et hiérarchie ethnique. L'usage des catégories dans le conflit kurde en Turquie, Identités et politique De la différenciation culturelle au conflit, Presses de Sciences Po.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2014) Les dynamiques d'intégration d'une littérature pankurde - Réflexions à partir de l'espace turco-irakien, Les dossiers du CERI, no. 2014/4. [PDF]


  • Scalbert Yucel C, Girard M. (2013) La construction du patrimoine comme catégorie d’action publique dans la région du GAP en Turquie, L’art de l’Etat. Arrangements de l’action publique en Turquie, de la fin de l’Empire ottoman à nos jours, Karthala, 196-221.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2013) Joyce Blau l'éternelle chez les Kurdes.



  • Scalbert Yucel C, Tejel Gorgas J. (2011) Introduction, Etudes Rurales, no. 186, pages 9-20.
  • yucel CS. (2011) Le monde rural dans la poesie contemporaine kurmandji en Turquie, etudes rurales, no. 186, pages 181-196.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2011) Languages and the definition of literature - The blurred borders of Kurdish literature in contemporary Turkey, Middle Eastern Literatures, volume 14, no. 2, pages 171-184.



  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2009) Turquie, Images Economiques du monde 2010, Armand Colin, 299-300.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2009) « The Invention of a Tradition:Diyarbakır’s Dengbêj Project », European Journal of Turkish Studies, no. 10. [PDF]


  • Rezvani B, Accolas S, Hegland ME, Scalbert Yucel C. (2008) Reports, Anthropology of the Middle East, volume 3, no. 2, DOI:10.3167/ame.2008.030208.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2008) Turquie, Images Economiques du monde 2009, Armand Colin, 301-302.
  • Scalbert Yucel C, Mary ELaine Hegland. (2008) Conference Report 'Kinship in Iran and Neighbouring Countries' - 20-22 June 2008, Tehran, Iran, Anthropology of the Middle East, vol. 3, Issue 2, Berghahn, 2 pages.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2007) Le peuplement du Kurdistan bouleversé et complexifié : de l’assimilation à la colonisation, L’information géographique, volume 71, no. 1, pages 63-85.


  • Scalbert-Yücel C. (2006) The languages of Kurds in Turkey: The need to reconsider the phrase «Kurdish language», Langage et Societe, volume 117, no. 3, pages 117-140, DOI:10.3917/ls.117.0117.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2006) Les langues des Kurdes de Turquie: la nécessité de repenser l’expression ‘langue kurde, Langage et Société, volume 117, pages 117-140.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2006) Esmer ou la voix ‘pop’ de l’identité kurde, La Vie des Idées, volume 12, pages 85-91.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2006) La diaspora kurde en Suède. Conservation, production et diffusion d’un savoir linguistique, European Journal of Turkish Studies, volume 5. [PDF]
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2006) L’élaboration de la langue kurde en Turquie (1898 – 1943) : d'un simple outil d'éveil national au pivot de la définition identitaire, L’éveil des nationalités et les revendications linguistiques en Europe (1830-1930), Paris: L'Harmattan, 255-274.
  • Scalbert Yucel C, Le Ray M. (2006) Knowledge, ideology and power. Deconstructing Kurdish Studies, European Journal of Turkish Studies, volume 5. [PDF]


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2005) Kurdes sans Kurdistan, Outre Terre, volume 12, pages 93-104.
  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2005) Le kurde à la télévision en Turquie, Outre Terre, volume 10, pages 357-359.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2004) Réflexions sur les paysages kurdes, Al-Adab, volume 52, no. 1-2, pages 94-98.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2003) Mémoire spontanée et travail de mémoire – Exil et diaspora : Le processus de création chez six peintres kurdes en Europe, Etudes Kurdes, volume 5, pages 7-23.


  • Scalbert Yucel C. (2002) Das Kurdische Dorf. Allegorie auf die Herkunft, Kurdische Studien, volume 2, pages 75-91.

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External impact and engagement

  • Facilitator, Kurmanci to English Translation Workshop, Manchester in Translation/Comma Press, 22 February 2023.
  • Co-organiser of the session "Languages, Scripts, and the Politics of Translation" for the Translation! Festival, Exeter, May 2022 (with James Downs)
  • Coordination of the IAIS Programme at the Respect Festival, Exeter (June 2018 and 2019).
  • Coordination of the session "The poetics of Kurdish Resistance, at the Exeter Literary Festival (November 2019)
  • Coordination of the reading event of the Exeter Kurdish Translation Initiative at the Exeter Literary Festival: “Women Voices in Kurdish Poetry” (November 2018).
  • Participation in the Translation! Festival, Exeter: Organisation and chair of the panel “Discover Translation: the pleasures of Middle Eastern Translation” ;  Pop-up readings of Kurdish poetry in translation (September 2017). 
  • Member of the Jury of the BIFED Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary (October 2016).

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Modules taught

  • ARA2176 - Spaces of Domination and Resistance in the Middle-East
  • ARA3140 - The Kurds: History and Politics
  • ARAM147 - The Kurds: History and Politics

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More information

I am an associate member of the CETOBAC (Centre d'Etudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques) EHESS, Paris and a member of the BRISMES.

I am member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Turkish Studies

I work 0.55 FTE at the University of Exeter. The rest of the time, I run St Thomas Community Garden and am a director of Zero Mile Gardens CIC. I also assist growing organic vegetables on a local farm where I also prune the fruit trees. 

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