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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Professor Gareth Stansfield

Professor Gareth Stansfield

Pro-Vice Chancellor & Executive Dean
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Gareth Stansfield is Professor of Middle East Politics and Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean (HASS) He was previously the Associate Dean Global of SSIS, and Director (HoD) of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).

Research supervision:

Some of the current PhD research topics that I am currently supervising are:

  • Saudi Arabia’s “Vision 2030” strategy: the end of oil economy?
  • Towards Constructing A Post Arab Spring GCC Security Model
  • Incomplete Democratisation: The Evolution of Kurdish Politics 1992-2013
  • Foreign Policy Analysis & Inter-State Dynamics: Riyadh, Washington, Tehran, and the Race for Regional Order.
  • Why did armed revolution of Iraqi Kurdistan lead to the political outcome of today?
  • An evolution of cross-border, multi-party cooperation in Kurdish politics from the 1890s to the present.
  • The Gulf Cooperation Council after 2011: redefining national security and rethinking threat analysis.
  • The Emergence of Iraqi Kurdistan post-2010: the regional, domestic, economic and international factors that contributed to it and the impact on regional security
  • The foreign policies, of Iran, Israel and Turkey towards Northern Iraq and their influences on the future of the Middle East.
  • U.S. Foreign Policy and the Construction of Ethno-sectarian Politics in Iraq
  • Global Oil Markets, Shi'a Protagonists and a Case Study of Iraq
  • The Last-Century’s Ethno-Nationalist Movement of The Iranian Kurds
  • The construction of a Zaza indentity in Bingol (Cewlik), Turkey, 1923-2010.

Previous PhD research topics Indclude:

  • To what extent have the prominent Kurdish political parties in the struggle for dominance over the liberation movement of Kurdistan been successful and what are the factors of shifting strategy so often?
  • Emerging foreign policy trends of Kurdish Quasi-state in Iraq.
  • Weapons, Cash, and Interests: An Analysis of UK Foreign Policy Towards Iraq, 1979 to 2001.
  • From Blueprint to Genocide? An Analysis of Iraq's Sequenced Crimes of Genocide Committed Against the Kurds of Iraq
  • Memories of violence in Cyprus: conflicting perspectives and dynamics of reconciliation
  • An Arabian Approach to Politics: Environment, Tradition and Leadership in the United Arab Emirates
  • Representation, Civil War and Humanitarian Intervention: the International Politics of Naming Algerian Violence, 1992 - 2002
  • Over-stating the Unrecognised State? Reconsidering De Facto Independent Entities in the International System
  • The Terrorism Complex
  • An International Relations Analysis of Citizenship and Intercultural Dialogue among Minority Youth in Berlin and London: A Levels-of-Analysis Approach
  • Deconstructing Ethnic Conflict and Sovereignty in Explanatory International Relations: The Case of Iraqi Kurdistan and the PKK
  • Changing Ethnic Boundaries: Politics and Identity in Bolivia, 2000-2010
  • An International Relations Analysis of Citizenship and Intercultural Dialogue among Minority Youth in Berlin and London: A Levels-of-Analysis Approach
  • Throwing Water Over the Tinderbox - An Alternative for Kirkuk
  • Gender Equality and Development After Violent Conflicts: The Effects of Gender Policies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Turkey's First Participatory Constitution-Making Attempt and its Reflections on Ethnic and Religious Communities
  • Reactive Nationalism in a Homogenizing State: The Kurdish Nationalism Movement in Ba'thist Iraq, 1963 - 2003
  • Ethno-Nationalism in a De Facto State: an Investigation of National Identity among University Students in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

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